Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Journal #9 Blood Wedding

Journal #9: Create a list of themes that Lorca creates in the play.

1. Choosing between family obligations, traditions versus personal passion

The Bride is expected by her father and the community to get married to the Groom. This leads her to lie about her true feelings for Leonardo. She is pressured to follow the social norms, and attempts to, but in the end follows her passion.

2. The Bride's decision to let both the men she love kill each other, instead of choosing one-fate

Fate moves the Blood Wedding. It could be said that another Felix coming to kill the Groom was predetermined. This could be why the Mother fretted so much because she feared that this was inevitable. The Bride also leads the men to kill each other, although this is something she did not want herself. The Bride is guilty at the end she describes her motivation as "a woman consumed by fire". This was something that affected her emotionally and physically burning at her soul that she had to leave the Groom.

3. Living in an unhappy situation drives a person to seek control

The mother's character is very controlling of her son, the Groom. She is afraid of him marrying a bad girl. She is unhappy because she cannot forgive nor forget the death of her other son and husband. Thus she needs to control her son in hopes of keeping him from being killed as well.

The Bride is limited by traditional obligations to marry, especially after she gave the Groom her promise. This makes her very unhappy. She takes it out on the maid by being rude and bossy.

Both of these characters have no easy escape for their situation and this makes them very mad/unhappy. The loss of control is the main cause of depression. To cope, the mother and bride seek controlling another aspect of their life. In both cases, they control another character.

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